Our experienced, reliable and efficient clerking service is offered to governing bodies in all matters of school governance in primary schools, secondary schools and academies.
Our experienced, reliable and efficient clerking service is offered to governing bodies in all matters of school governance in primary schools, secondary schools and academies.
Our team of fully trained, knowledgeable and personable Clerks offer comprehensive clerk support for full/local Governing Board, Committee, extraordinary, & pupil exclusion meetings; complaints & staffing hearings; cover for maternity/sickness leave as well as offering ongoing advice around best practice, governance updates and training.
Your Clerk to Board of Governors will work closely with the Headteacher/Principal and Chair of Governors/Chair of committee to ensure an efficient and thorough service is provided.
Your Clerk will ensure that statutory items are itemised, including those relevant to the School/Academy.
Reference to the most recent Governance Handbook will be made in each agenda where relevant.
Preparation of each agenda is completed at least 2 weeks prior to each meeting and papers are sent to governors 1 week prior to the meeting so that governors have ample time to review papers.
Comprehensive and accurate minutes are produced, ensuring governors’ challenge and support are evidenced clearly. A draft is sent to the Head/Chair within 2 weeks of the meeting.
Our Clerks are available to:
Provide guidance on procedure/protocol by phone and email.
Provide best practice advice for governing body development e.g. committee structures.
Establish/maintain appropriate record keeping of papers in school.
Circulate governance updates by email and make reference to these in agendas e.g. new Governance Handbook, changes to legislation.
Offer links to governor training.
Operate a tight turnaround of high quality paperwork.
The service can be tailored to how your Governing Board prefers to work i.e. frequency and time of meetings.
Continuity with the same Clerk for each meeting.
Cover can be arranged should your clerk be unavailable.
Remote meeting support via video conferencing software (ie. Zoom or Microsoft Teams) is also available to all schools.
Discounted rates with Governor Hub, The Key and National Governance Association available. Please contact us for details.